COVID-19 Updates

As new messaging, resources and information is being shared daily, we want to make sure all of the information we share is in one place for your convenience. We will keep the most current information on the top of this page and archive older messages below. If you are looking for more ways to get information consider subscribing to get our E-Newsletters by clicking subscribe to the E-Newsletter or liking our Facebook page.

This page will be updated whenever updates become available during normal business hours.

IMPORTANT: BCDHSC Celebration Notice and Survey Response Requested

Dear Early Childhood Professionals,

It is difficult to believe that two long years have passed since we were able to gather for the Bureau’s Annual Celebration of Early Childhood Professionals in honor of your dedication to the Early Childhood field. This year, we very much anticipated seeing you in person, with the expectation that the pandemic would abate and we could resume our pre-COVID activities. Unfortunately, this was not the case. At this time, the pandemic remains unpredictable and once again, prevents us from convening this large, in-person event.

We are pleased to announce, however, that the 2021-2022 Early Childhood Credential Challenge is going forward as planned. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to participate and submit your application by March 15, 2022. For more information about the Challenge, please click on the following link: 2021-2022-Credential-Challenge-Flyer.pdf (  As you would expect, the cancelation of the Celebration means there is now no requirement to attend in order to participate in the Challenge.

Lastly, the Bureau is considering hosting a virtual Celebration in the fall of 2022.  We would greatly appreciate your input on this possibility. Please click on the following link to complete a very brief (less than 5 minutes) survey. BCDHSC Virtual Celebration Opinion Survey. Based on your responses, we will determine if there is sufficient interest for us to explore this option.

Thank you for your hard work on behalf of children and families and for your perseverance during these challenging times.

Warmest Regards,


ARPA Stabilization Quarterly Report Virtual Office Hours

With the January 18th deadline for your first ARPA Stabilization CCASP Quarterly Report approaching quickly,  you may have some questions. To help get those answered and save yourself some time writing lengthy emails (and me from trying to answer all of them) Pop on to any of the following office hours, any time during the hour for some advice, quick chat or just to listen. All virtual office hours can be accessed through the same link. Access information can be found here.

Hope to “see” you soon, Dianne Chase


Recorded Webinar: ARPA STABILIZATION: CCASP Grant Quarterly Reports Webinar
Please join us for a webinar overview of the first quarterly report (covering from your initial award date through December 31, which is due on January 18, 2022) for the ARPA Stabilization Grant. This short presentation will include a how-to session and lots of time for questions and answers. If you miss the event, the recorded version will be available on NH Connections.

ARPA Stabilization: CCASP Grant Quarterly Report Link

This is the first “quarterly report” for the ARPA Stabilization Grant. This report will be done on Survey Monkey, and all future reports will be done on the New Hampshire Connections Information System. The first report covers from the time you were funded until December 31, 2021. If you have not spent any funds to date, please note that in the report and complete all the other information.

To prepare you will need:
-Child Attendance and Enrollment Numbers by age group.
-Staffing numbers along with vacancies.
-Summary of ARPA expenses.

Please note NHCIS is back up and running at 100%. 

It is a requirement of the ARAP Stabilization Program that you complete this report and update your program profile on NHCIS by January 18, 2022.
To access the ARPA Stabilization: CCASP Grant Quarterly Report Template you can click the link here.


ARPA STABILIZATION: CCASP Grant Quarterly Reports Webinar

Sponsored by the NH DHHS/DEHS/Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration
Description: Please join us for a webinar overview of the first quarterly report (covering from your initial award date through December 31, which is due on January 18, 2022) for the ARPA Stabilization Grant. This short presentation will include a how-to session and lots of time for questions and answers. If you miss the event, the recorded version will be available on NH Connections.
Core Knowledge Area: Developing as a Professional
Trainer: Dianne R. Chase, Assistant Bureau Chief
Date: Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Time: 12:30-1:30 PM
This session will award 1 hour of Professional Development. 
Click Here to register
Recorded Webinar: DHHS State of NH Child Child Care Series: Session Two: The Quality of Child Care – Part 2

This session will continue to look at the importance of investing in quality child care across the State. The newly envisioned Quality Recognition and Improvement System, known as “Granite Steps for Quality”, will be explored and its potential impact on children and families. Discussions will cover both early childhood (birth to through preschool) and school-age (K through grade 5) programs.

  • Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021
  • Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
  • Click Here to Watch the Recording
  • Click Here to Access the Powerpoint 

Important ARPA Update:


Several important and quick updates for you to know, 

  • The ARPA Stabilization Grant Program application period ENDS on January 3,2022 at 11:59 PM. If you wish to apply, please see the information on our consumer education website at
  • Please be advised that the ARPA STABILIZATION: CCASP Grant Quarterly Reports timeline has changed. Previously, we had stated the report would be due before the end of the year. Due to delays in getting the required data list and building an online report, the first report will be done on Survey Monkey. The first quarterly report (covering from your initial award date through December 31) will be available on Tuesday, December 21 at noon by email and posted on the NH Connections website. It will be due on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. An informational webinar will be held on Tuesday, December 28 at 12:30 and the recorded version will be posted on the NH Connections website under the ARPA information. All future quarterly reports will be done through the NHCIS.
  • A short “quick” info survey will be distributed by Dianne Chase during the week of December 20th, allowing for completion of our annual Quality Progress Report for the Office of Child Care. It will be short and sweet – please keep an eye out for it.
  • The NH Connections Information System is up and running at 100%. If you have any issues, please submit a support ticket through the portal.
  • Virtual office hours for ARPA Stabilization will be available again beginning on Monday, January 3, 2022. The January schedule is as follows and access information will be posted Soon on the NH Connections website:

             Jan 3, 2022   12:00 to 1:00
             Jan 10, 2022 12:00 to 1:00
             Jan 18, 2022 12:00 to 1:00

Watch your email during the week of December 20th for information on the new QRIS: Granite Steps for Quality; extension information on the Absent Due to COVID Program and the upcoming “Pay by Enrollment” pilot– so much happening. 

Looking forward to continuing our partnership in 2022.

Dianne Chase and the ARPA Stabilization team

Recorded Webinar: DHHS State of NH Child Child Care Series: Session Two: The Quality of Child Care – Part 1

This session reviewed the importance of investing in quality child care across the State. The newly envisioned Quality Recognition and Improvement System, known as “Granite Steps for Quality”, was explored and its potential impact on children and families. Discussions will covered both early childhood (birth to through preschool) and school-age (K through grade 5) programs.

    • Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
    • Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
    • Click Here to Watch the Recording
    • Click Here to Access the Powerpoint 

ARPA/CCASP Application Deadline Information

To All NHCIS Users and ARPA Stabilization CCASP Grant Current and Potential Applicants,

The NHCIS is still experiencing a temporary outage. As a result, the ARPA Stabilization CCASP application submission and review period 8 has been combined with review period 9 and will both have the new deadline: December 13, 2021. We will post any new updates to NH Connections and communicate by email soon to let you know the system is available.

Important Update on NHCIS

Dear Colleagues;

The DHHS-based NH Connections Information System (NHCIS) is currently experiencing a short-term shutdown due to technical issues. Presently, you will not be able to use the system and therefore, temporarily, have no access to following application tiles: Background Record Checks, Credentialing, Grants, Licensing, NH Scholarship, Professional Registry, Program Profiles (Child Care Profile) and Training.

If you would like to register for a training, please email the date, time and title of the training, as well as your name, phone number, email address and program name to [email protected]. You can use the Subject Line: Training Registration. You can find current trainings in the CCAoNH Professional Development Connection Guide, found here: 

Please be aware this temporary shutdown will not impact the ARPA application period or review period – you will not miss out on applying for funds. We will be in touch if the review period closing 11.29.2021 will be extended. As always, please keep an eye on NH Connections: Financial Resources for ARPA/CCASP updates.

We will notify you by email and post on the NH Connections website as soon as the issues are resolved. It is not necessary to send us an email regarding the inaccessibility of the system as we are fully aware.

Meanwhile, thank you so much for your patience and understanding.

Debra Nelson, Bureau Chief
Dianne Chase, Assistant Bureau Chief


Important Update on NHCIS

Dear Colleagues;

The DHHS-based NH Connections Information System (NHCIS) is currently experiencing a short-term shutdown due to technical issues. Presently, you will not be able to use the system and therefore, temporarily, have no access to your program profile, licensing information, APRPA/CCASP Grant tiles including applications, award letters, agreements and invoices, among other system based applications.

Please be aware this temporary shutdown will not impact the ARPA application period or review period – you will not miss out on applying for funds. We will be in touch if the review period closing 11.29.2021 will be extended. As always, please keep an eye on NH Connections: Financial Resources for ARPA/CCASP updates.

We will notify you by email and post on the NH Connections website as soon as the issues are resolved. It is not necessary to send us an email regarding the inaccessibility of the system as we are fully aware.

Meanwhile, thank you so much for your patience and understanding.

Debra Nelson, Bureau Chief
Dianne Chase Assistant Bureau Chief


  • ARPA/CCASP Frequently Asked Questions, updated on November 12, 2021
  • Recorded Webinar ARPA Stabilization/CCASP Webinar: Creative, Clever and Allowable Ways to Use Your 25% ARPA Grant Staff Incentive Set Aside
    • Date: Friday, November 12, 2021
    • Time: 12:30-1:30 PM
    • Click Here to Watch the Recording



  • ARPA/CCASP Important Updates
    • NH Connections Information System Glitch Impacting the Grant System
    • CCASP/ARPA Quarterly Report Now Due due Friday, January 15, 2022
    • Updated Grant Application Submission and Review Schedule
    • Date Changes for DHHS State of NH Child Care Webinar Series
    • NH Connections and NH Connections Information System Upgrade Input Survey On Its Way
    • Date Changes for DHHS State of NH Child Care Webinar Series
      • Due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts with our speakers, we have decided to postpone our November 10th State of New Hampshire Child Care Webinar Series, Session Two: The Quality of Child Care until December 8, 2021, 5:30 PM-7:00 PM.
      • The December 8th State of New Hampshire Child Care Webinar Series, Session Three: The Business of Child Care will be held on January 12, 2022, 5:30 PM-7:00 PM.



  • ARPA/CCASP Review Cycle Extended
    • We are pleased to inform you that the previously reported Grant access issue on NHCIS has been resolved. If you are a center director and cannot see the grant application tile on NHCIS please submit a support ticket on NHCIS. Please select the ticket type (“I need help with”) to best reflect the issue you are experiencing and someone from will be in touch with you within 72 hours of submission. Please note: To minimize administrative resources, we encourage you to use the support ticket only as a means of obtaining help and support. Contacting multiple sources in addition to creating a support ticket impedes our response time.


  • State of NH Child Care Series
    • Session Two: The Quality of Child Care
      • Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021
      • Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
      • This session will look at the importance of investing in quality child care across the State. The newly envisioned Quality Recognition and Improvement System, known as “Granite Steps for Quality”, will be explored and its potential impact on children and families. Discussions will cover both early childhood (birth to through preschool) and school-age (K through grade 5) programs.
      • Click Here to Register
    • Session Three: The Business of Child Care
      • Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
      • Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
      • This session will focus on the operational side of child care along with the key role that families and businesses play in equitable, affordable and sustainable child care across the state. Guest speakers will include employers in partnership with child care programs as well as a child care business operations and small business advisor with key areas that providers need to consider in their daily operations.
      • Click Here to Register








  • Office Hours: CRRSA Spending for Providers
    • Tuesday, June 1, 2021
    • Tuesday, June 8, 2021
    • Time: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
    • Click Here for the Zoom Information
  • Office Hours: Absent Due to COVID
    • Wednesday, May 26, 2021
    • Wednesday, June 2, 2021
    • Wednesday, June 9, 2021
    • Time: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
    • Click Here for the Zoom Information



  • Update to NHCIS Credentialing Process
    • Beginning July 1, 2021, we will be strictly using NHCIS to accept all new and renewal credential applications, we will no longer be accepting applications completed on the online registry or in paper form.
    • Please note, if you have already applied using NHCIS, we see your application and will begin processing it on July 1, 2021. If you would prefer for your application to be processed sooner, please mail in your application.
    • Click here to read the full update.



  • Absent Due to Covid has been extended to August 29, 2021. New spreadsheets, updated policy information and further details will be available on Monday, May 3, 2021.


  • American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), ideas wanted for the 77 million dollar funding update!
    • The ARPA Input Survey will be available at as of Monday, May 3, 2021 at 12:00 PM.
    • We have now received the award letter from the Administration for Families and Children-Office of Child Care, but guidance is not slated to be received until early May.
    • Meanwhile, please share your ideas and thoughts on how we can use these funds to stabilize, expand and innovate in the child care sector throughout the State now and in the future.
    • This survey is a place for you to jot down your ideas – no fancy writing skill necessary – just your invaluable thoughts!
    • The planning process will take some time and we want to base it on short and long term needs and stakeholder input.
    • You will be asked to provide some basic non-identifying information so we know what sector of child care you are representing. There is an option to provide your full contact information, but it is not necessary. 
    • Further, you do not need to provide an answer for the topic headings – just add what is comfortable for you – it can be a couple of words like “staff bonuses” or a lengthy description. 
    • If you run out of room or wish to send an email instead of using the Surveymonkey, please direct your correspondence to [email protected] and put ARPA Ideas in the subject line.
    • Please watch this page for more information and other ways to provide feedback.
    • In addition, we will host an informational webinar when more details become available.
  • RECORDED WEBINAR: Question & Answer Session: Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) Awards and Allowable Expenses


  • CLARIFICATION ON CRRSA FUNDING TIMELINE – Please note the CRRSA Funds do not have to be allocated (spent or allocated to income losses) until September 30, 2022, not 2021 as previously listed. In addition, they can be used for income losses and COVID-related expenses only between March 2020 and Sept 2022.
    • For further clarification, please register for the upcoming Q&A session listed here.
    • The CRRSA Funds Use Table and recording of the Webinar will be posted after the Q&A Session. 


  • RECORDED WEBINAR: Question and Answer Session: Absent Due to COVID-19
    • Date: Friday, April 16, 2021
    • Time: 12:30-1:30 PM
  • Question & Answer Session: Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) Awards and Allowable Expenses
    • Date: Friday, April 23, 2021
    • Time: 1:00-2:00 PM
    • Click Here to Register

















  • Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration has extended the deadline to January 24th at 11:59  
  • DO NOT SHARE THE FINAL REPORT LINK sent from the Gmail address. It is specific to that email address.
  • If you have already completed your Final Report, not to worry, you can either modify it or leave it as it is – not much has changed.
  • You will receive a separate email with the virtual office hours listed by alphabetical order based on your program name tomorrow. These are optional and do not require registration. You can ask questions individually (see below).
  • The Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration lost the whole webinar series, Dianne Chase will be re-recording it. We will post when it becomes available. 
  • Direct all technical assistance questions to [email protected]
  • NH DHHS CCRSP-CCCAS FINAL Report Instructions 1-6-21
  • CCRSP-CCCAS Final Report Optional Calculation Worksheet








Getting Information & Resources You Need for Child Care Recovery & Stabilization: A Webinar Series Session #8 October 15th


COVID-19 Child Care Assistance Supplement (CCCAS) Application Documents:











  • There is a new page of the CCAoNH website entitled: NH Empowering Youth Programs. This page can be found in the COVID-19 section, off of the Recovery and Stabilization Page



  • Change in time to the DHHS GETTING INFORMATION & RESOURCES YOU NEED FOR CHILD CARE RECOVERY & STABILIZATION: A WEBINAR SERIES. Click hereto view the updated training times.




6/9/2020 Update:

6/8/2020 Update:

6/5/2020 Update:

6/4/2020 Update:

6/3/2020 Update:

6/2/2020 Update:

6/1/2020 Update:

5/28/2020 Update:

Getting the Information and Resources You Need for Child Care Recovery and Stabilization *Please make sure that you use the addendum that has changes that were made to the PowerPoint when watching the recorded webinar

There are many factors to consider including types of care, price, availability, quality of care and location.  This consumer statement provides you with information to help you with your choice. To view the Consumer Education Statement click here.

Previous COVID-19 Updates

Previous daily updates are sorted by which organization the messaging originated from. The resources featured in the E-Newsletters will also be included in other pages of the COVID-19 section. If you are unable to find a specific resources, view our contact information by clicking here.

The Bureau of Child Development & Head Start Collaboration Updates

Governor’s Economic Reopening Taskforce

Department of Health and Human Services Updates