Child Care Licensing
What is the Child Care Licensing Unit?
The Child Care Licensing Unit (CCLU) ensures that children attending NH child care programs are in safe and healthy environments. The CCLU also monitors NH Child Care Programs to safeguard that children are provided with care, supervision and developmentally appropriate activities that meet each child’s physical and emotional needs.
What does the Child Care Licensing Unit do?
All licensed programs and license exempt providers who are enrolled to accept NH DHHS Child Care Scholarship are required to be monitored by the CCLU. Child care programs are also required to meet health and safety training requirements.
The CCLU provides monitoring and inspection reports for each on-site visit to a child care program. CCLU accomplishes this through on-site evaluations, monitoring, and investigations that ensure compliance with NH Rules. This report outlines if there were any health and safety violations and action step(s) that child care programs have implemented or will implement to correct the violation(s). The CCLU currently posts the last three years of monitoring and inspection reports for the families and program to access. Additional past reports can be requested by contacting the CCLU.
In addition, the CCLU issues licenses, initiates enforcement action when necessary for compliance and the protection of children and provides consultation and technical assistance to help understand licensing regulations to programs.
Where Can I Find the CCLU Monitoring and Inspection Reports?
Click here to search for the licensing history and inspection reports of a child care program.
Important Things to Know
Background Checks
- All licensed programs and license exempt providers who are enrolled to accept NH DHHS Child Care Scholarship are required to complete a criminal background check.
- Click here for more information on criminal background check requirements for child care providers.
- Click here for more information on offenses that prevent individuals from being employed by a child care provider or providing child care.
- Click here to schedule an appointment using the Department of Safety CHRI Applicant Portal.
Serious Injury
- The Serious Injury and Death Report collects information on annual number of deaths, serious injuries and incidences of substantiated child abuse in a child care setting. “Serious injury” means any accident or illness occurring at the program that results in medical treatment by a physician or other health care professional, hospitalization, or death.
- To view the current Serious Injury and Death Report, please click here.
How to Report a Concern about a Child Care Provider?
- The Child Care Licensing Unit will investigate concerns/complaints:
- That are based upon first-hand knowledge or information reported directly by a child who has first-hand knowledge;
- When there is sufficient specific information for the department to determine that the allegation(s), if proven to be true, would constitute a violation of any Child Care Licensing Rule or Law;
- That involve an incident that occurred within the last 6 months; or
- That involves an incident that occurred anytime if the complaint alleges physical injury or abuse, verbal or emotional abuse, or the danger of physical injury to one or more children.
- Click here to contact CCLU with any questions about a child care program or if you are not sure if your concern meets the complaint criteria.
Child Care Licensing Rules