Child Care, Business, and Employer Partnership Project
Empowering Futures: Investing in Families, Flourishing in Business

Child care is an essential service that strengthens the economic stability in communities across New Hampshire. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has partnered with the Granite United Way to implement the Child Care Business and Employer Partnership Project (CCBEP), a one-year research project designed to better understand the impact of family-friendly workplace policies on child care workforce recruitment and retention. Granite United Way will support the needs of businesses, employers, and working families by building partnerships and supporting initiatives that allow working parents and caregivers to enter or remain in the workforce, achieve economic stability, and contribute to New Hampshire’s economy.
The primary goal of this project is to integrate New Hampshire businesses into the state’s early childhood stabilization and expansion efforts, so that parents and guardians to either enter or remain in the workforce. Granite United Way will host regional business roundtables to encourage cross-sector collaboration, and will create a comprehensive Best Practices Guide to assist businesses with implementing family-friendly policies and navigating the complexities of the child care sector.
Through collaborative partnerships, comprehensive research, and targeted outreach, our goal is to transform NH into a leading example of how investing in early childhood and family-friendly workplace policies can yield substantial benefits for both businesses and the broader community.
Contact Information:
For more information about the Child Care, Business and Employer Partnership Project, please contact Sr. Director of Early Childhood Initiatives, Joelyn Drennan, at [email protected].
Click HERE to visit their LinkedIn page, and click HERE to visit the Best Place For Working Parents website.

Granite United Way is a nonprofit organization, committed to improving the quality of people’s lives by bringing together the caring power of communities. We aim to create sustainable improvements in the quality of life for all residents, ensuring that every individual and family can thrive.