CCAoNH Virtual Learning Communities
Child Care Aware of NH provides many different Virtual Learning Communities across the state of NH
Virtual Learning Communities:
Child Care Aware of NH powered by Southern New Hampshire Services is excited to be hosting Virtual Learning Communities.
These meetings are group-driven to reflect the participant’s needs and interests and to provide:
- Child Care Aware of NH program updates
- Essential local and State information
- Professional development opportunities.
Registration is online through the NHCIS Training Tile. Click here or on the flyer for dates and times.
Our Focused Collaboratives are meetings that are held once per month from September to June. Each of these meetings focus on a specific topic.
Virtual Learning Community Topics:
- Infant and Toddler
- Family Engagement and Communication
- Directors Speak
- Preschool
- Family Child Care
- Exploring Social Emotional Topics
Non CCAoNH Groups:
Early Care and Education Association (EC & EA)
The mission of the Early Care & Education Association is to provide an opportunity for professionals working with children birth to five, to collaborate in an effort to enhance the lives of children and families in the Upper Valley. For more information please contact [email protected], or visit eceauv.org. The EC & EA meets every second Tuesday of the month at 4 pm. Current meeting location is: virtual.