Trainings and Recorded Webinars
Child Care Aware® of New Hampshire provides various professional development training opportunities throughout the school year

Professional Development Requirements
Child Care Aware of NH Recorded Webinars
Recorded Webinars can be used as professional development for Child Care Licensing if you complete a Self-Study Professional Development Documentation Form.
- Early Learning Standards: Print to Practice
- Online Introduction to COOP
- Learning Styles: Who Are You? How Understanding Yourself Can Support You in Working With Others
- Partnerships with the Families of Infant and Toddlers
- NH Connections: Take a Virtual Tour
Trainings can be done in webinar format or face to face, unless noted by licensing that the training must be face to face. To access trainings on these topics, please visit the links below:
DHHS State of NH Child Care Series Webinars
Session One: Workforce and Market Rates
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
This session featured guest speaker and researcher Michael Kalinowski, will focus on reviewing the latest Market Rate Survey that served as a foundation for establishing the newly adopted NH Child Care Scholarship rates. In addition, we will be exploring the child care workforce shortage through numerous data points including the recent Early Childhood Workforce Study, CRRSA, ARPA and the NH Connections Information System.
Session Two – Part One: The Quality of Child Care
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
This session looks at the importance of investing in quality child care across the State. Discussions covered both early childhood (birth to through preschool) and school-age (K through grade 5) programs.
Session Two – Part Two: The Quality of Child Care
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
This session will continue to look at the importance of investing in quality child care across the State. The newly envisioned Quality Recognition and Improvement System, known as “Granite Steps for Quality”, will be explored and its potential impact on children and families. Discussions will cover both early childhood (birth to through preschool) and school-age (K through grade 5) programs.
Session Three: NH’s ARPA Discretionary Funds- Preview of Coming Attractions
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
This 90-minute workshop with cover the recently announced DHHS plan for utilizing the ARPA Discretionary funds for long-term stabilization, expansion and quality of the NH child care industry.
Copy of Powerpoint Presentation
Session Four: The Business of Child Care
Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
This session will focus on the operational side of child care along with the key role that families and businesses play in equitable, affordable and sustainable child care across the state. Guest speakers will include employers in partnership with child care programs as well as a child care business operations and small business advisor with key areas that providers need to consider in their daily operations.
Health & Safety Requirements
To work in a license exempt or licensed child care program, all staff must complete training specific to health and safety according to current licensing and license exempt rules. The Health and Safety trainings are required of existing staff and of any new staff hired. New staff must complete the training requirements or show documentation of taking these trainings within 90 days of employment. Additionally, staff working in licensed programs must complete 6 hours of training annually on any of these health and safety topic areas.
The Child Care Licensing Unit (CCLU) will accept previously taken and documented training by staff.
All staff will be required to have training on the below:
- Appropriate Precautions in Transporting Children (Required of all staff working in a program that transports children or accompanies the children in vehicles provided by companies contracted by the program to provide transportation)
- Building and Physical Premise Safety
- Child Abuse & Neglect
- Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning for Emergencies
- First Aid and CPR
- Food and Allergic Reactions
- Handling and Storage of Hazardous Materials and Disposal of Bio Contaminants
- Medication Administration
- Prevention and Immunization
- Prevention of SIDS and use of Safe Sleep Practices (Required, if staff are working in a program licensed to care for children younger than 18 months of age)
- Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma (Required, if staff are working in a program licensed to care for children younger than 18 months of age)
- Child Growth and Development
- Water Safety (Not required, unless program is participating in water activities)
ProSolutions Trainings
- All trainings are free and online.
- Each training within a collection may be taken individually.
- Participants will be awarded 1 hour of professional development for completing each training.
- Credit for completing each training can be accessed through your NHCIS Professional Registry account in your Training Tile.
- Trainings may be accessed through your ProSolutions training account or by creating an account with this link:
Trainings included:
- NH Business Management and Director Training Collection
- NH Cares Training Collection
- NH Family Child Care Training Collection
- NH Pyramid Model Training Packages
- Strengthening Families
- Eco-Healthy Child Care®-Protecting Children’s Environmental Health (use code NHECO at checkout to sign up for this training for free)

Water Safety Trainings
Are you looking to take a water safety training this summer? Check out some of the options below:
- ProSolutions Water Safety: Preventing Injury and Illness
- Empowering Programs Water Safety Training
- Red Cross Water Safety for Parents and Caregivers